Ideal Time to Replace Your Impact Doors

December 14, 2023
October 3, 2022

Locals in Florida know that because of the unpredictability of the weather, their homes can only be secured by hurricane proof doors and windows. For Florida coastal homes, these types of doors and windows are necessary when it comes to safeguarding your house from extreme weather during hurricane season. When you’ve already decided to get hurricane-proof doors and windows, the question now is: When should you install impact resistant windows or doors in your Florida home?  

hurricane-proof doors for emergency situations

The Best Time to Install Your Hurricane Doors and Windows  

When Should It Be Installed?  

Florida has a dry season, which makes it the ideal time to begin. Installing new doors and windows should be done between November and May when the weather is dry. The weather must be as dry as possible in order to adequately seal the doors and windows against drafts and moisture.    

Residents or homeowners should install their impact doors and windows in the spring and early summer to ensure their houses are safe and secure before the seasonal storms start to come in. If you’re new in the area, Florida's hurricane season runs from June to the end of November.  

Look for the perfect time of the year to install your doors and windows. It should be warm outside but not yet oppressively hot. Additionally, installing impact windows in the spring and summer will enable you to keep your house free of chilly air rushes as the old windows are taken out and replaced.    

How Moisture Can Properly Prevent the Installation of Windows    

Your wooden window and door frames' greatest fear is moisture and humidity. Be cautious of moisture when installing the impact windows and doors. Rain and high humidity can cause the wood to distort and expand, ruining the entire job.  

The best way to guarantee that the windows won't malfunction due to unfavorable installation conditions is to ensure that temperatures are consistently at 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Professional impact window installers can replace your residential windows with hurricane-proof glass in any climate.    

Impact Windows Offer Several Advantages  

Installing impact windows in Florida will boost your home's value in a number of ways apart from shielding it from powerful winds and storms. Modern impact windows will drastically lessen your home's noise pollution, giving you a serene and quiet interior environment. Because replacing your ordinary windows with impact windows are so energy-efficient as it can keep your house warm in the winter and cool in the summer, you'll also start to see a drop in energy bills after installing them.    

Impact-Resistant Glass Types    

You don't want to be caught in hurricane season without enough protection for your home. By this time, you should have already installed windows and doors that can withstand winds of up to 200 mph. If a hurricane occurs, the impact-resistant glass will ensure that it won't shatter and burst into your home, injuring anyone around. Additionally, the glass is more likely to remain intact in the window frame, preventing water from entering your house.

hurricane-proof doors and windows

Know More About Hurricane Proof Doors and Windows  

To contact our skilled and experienced experts, please click this link when you're prepared to replace the impact-sensitive glass in your residence.